Saturday, June 18, 2011

We do not only need better leaders.

We need better teachers as well.

Recently, I was going through a preface for one of the upcoming books. In the preface, one of the co-authors acknowledges her teachers and writes:
They believed in their students.
I wish I could quote the whole thing here but as the book is unpublished, it would be unethical. But in its essence, this one simple line says a lot. Quite unusually, it tells you about the society as well. As the time passed, good teachers faded. The quality of teaching has gone down in the country. The once supposed quality of private education is going downhill faster than ever. More and more teachers are teaching subjects that they have not specialized. Furthermore, special education is under severe neglect.

As more and more teachers are not specialized trainers in their respective subjects, they turn to teachers' manual for help. I have personal experiences where teachers have demanded for the teachers' manual as they do not have a clue about the "right answers". Quite regularly, teachers dictate or "enforce" the answer from these manuals on the students. These answers are often considered as "benchmarks" by their student which are learned by them through rote-learning. This effectively kills the creativity of the students. When teachers do not believe in their own ability to tackle problems or plan lessons, they cannot extend the privilege of "being believed in" to the students. This totally destroys the learning curve.

The fun in learning lies in the "believing in" part where a teacher allows its student to make mistakes. This trial and error exercise effectively enhances the brain power of the student, making him or her to think and analyze. When an answer is forced upon the students, their minds stop to question information, and the cognitive process comes to a halt. A country filled with such students leads to doom. Indoctrination is thrn easy and mind strays very conveniently into the hands of evil. The beauty of human mind is to think, to ponder, to inquire but current-day teachers are not helping it to function that way.

In order to fix this issue, an urgent attention is required to be given on teachers' education. Neglecting the training of a teacher is one of the sin that we are committing out of our folly and ignorance. We need to quickly and very swiftly inculcate confidence in our teachers before it gets too late. This can be effectively done during the period of annual vacations. Schools need to take initiative as the responsibility of quality education lies on their shoulders. This pressing issue needs to resolved before DOOM is spelled out for us.

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