Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lunch with free add-ons...

Chalo jee. There are times you go to restaurant for lunch and you wish that you could have a nice time eating. You want to consume your afternoon meal without noticing the harsh realities of life because at dinnertime, you know Kamran Khan will tell you that apocalypse would come any second and we all are goners. Thanks to him, I have gained weight over the last time as I might be binging.

Khair, lunch is where I need peace so I often eat at an eatery near my office. Today was sandwich day. As I ordered, it turns out there was a brawl in the kitchen over the wrong set of buns offered with an order. The consumer wanted round ones rather the long ones (I am still confused why). Muhajir supervisor threw the long buns on Pathan cook and then it all started. Without thinking that there was a restaurant to run, the supervisor and the waiter started with verbal abuses of all family kinds. All the other waiters started to reduce the emotional temperature, leaving only one behind to tackle all twelve tables.

The things cooled down for a second but then they reappeared. Apparently, the Pathan cook talked with his Pathan friend and the Muhajir supervisor heard there was something going on Pushtu which was enough start Round 2. This time, Muhajir supervisor targeted the "Superman" t-shirt wearing better looking Pathan cook who looked fairly younger. The supervisor was quite offended by the use of Pushtu language. He was so crossed that he threatened him with ready-to-find weapon, a raita bottle and promised to throw a plate on his face later. Meanwhile, I was half done with my sandwich but there were hungry costumers waiting for their orders to be either taken or delivered. The Pathans were ready to attack as well.

The funniest bit is that the whole brawl cooled down when a Bengali interfered.

Now everyone would think that I am being racist and in my defense, I would say I am human. This whole brawl was quite amusing to look at but it was a harsh reality that got served with my lunch bill. We as a nation are now getting very intolerant. We quarrel on small non-productive issues at a time when we have big issues on hand, and most of our quarrels are cooled down with some type of interference from external sources. It shows that the actions of our politicians is doing nothing but creating a mess.

As for me, I think Kamran Khan may not be wrong, the world might be really ending.

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